Compare languages | Модуль runtime-audit-engine: FAQ

Как собирать события?

How to collect events

Поды runtime-audit-engine выводят все события в стандартный вывод. Далее агенты log-shipper могут собирать их и отправлять в хранилище логов.

Pods of runtime-audit-engine output all events to stdout. Those events can then be collected by log-shipper-agents and sent to any supported destination.

Пример конфигурации ClusterLoggingConfig для модуля log-shipper:

Below is an example ClusterLoggingConfig configuration for the log-shipper module:

yaml apiVersion: kind: ClusterLoggingConfig metadata: name: falco-events spec: destinationRefs:

  • xxxx kubernetesPods: namespaceSelector: matchNames:
  • d8-runtime-audit-engine labelFilter:
  • operator: Regex values: [”\{.*”] # to collect only JSON logs field: “message” type: KubernetesPods

yaml apiVersion: kind: ClusterLoggingConfig metadata: name: falco-events spec: destinationRefs:

  • xxxx kubernetesPods: namespaceSelector: matchNames:
  • d8-runtime-audit-engine labelFilter:
  • operator: Regex values: [”\{.*”] # to collect only JSON logs field: “message” type: KubernetesPods

Как оповещать о критических событиях?

How to create an alert

Prometheus автоматически собирает метрики о событиях. Чтобы включить оповещения, добавьте в кластер правило CustomPrometheusRule.

All metrics are automatically collected by Prometheus. Add a CustomPrometheusRule to enable alerts.

Пример настройки такого правила:


yaml apiVersion: kind: CustomPrometheusRules metadata: name: falco-critical-alerts spec: groups:

  • name: falco-critical-alerts rules:
  • alert: FalcoCriticalAlertsAreFiring for: 1m annotations: description: | There is a suspicious activity on a node {{ $labels.node }}. Check you events journal for more details. summary: Falco detects a critical security incident expr: | sum by (node) (rate(falco_events{priority=”Critical”}[5m]) > 0)

yaml apiVersion: kind: CustomPrometheusRules metadata: name: falco-critical-alerts spec: groups:

  • name: falco-critical-alerts rules:
  • alert: FalcoCriticalAlertsAreFiring for: 1m annotations: description: | There is a suspicious activity on a node {{ $labels.node }}. Check you events journal for details. summary: Falco detects a critical security incident expr: | sum by (node) (rate(falco_events{priority=”Critical”}[5m]) > 0)

Алерты лучше всего работают в комбинации с хранилищами событий, такими как Elasticsearch или Loki. Их задача — оповестить пользователя о подозрительном поведении на узле. После получения алерта рекомендуется «пойти» в хранилище и посмотреть на события, которые его вызвали.

Alerts work best in combination with event storage, such as Elasticsearch or Loki. Alerts warn the user about suspicious activity on a node. Once an alert is received, we recommend that you check event storage and examine the events that triggered it.

Как применить правила для Falco, найденные в интернете?

How to apply the Falco rules found on the Internet

Структура правил Falco отличается от схемы CRD. Это связано со сложностями при проверке правильности ресурсов в Kubernetes.

The structure of native Falco rules is different from the CRD schema. It is due to limitations of schema validation capabilities in Kubernetes.

Скрипт для конвертации правил Falco в ресурсы FalcoAuditRules упрощает процесс миграции и позволять применять правила Falco в Deckhouse:

The script for converting a Falco rules file into a FalcoAuditRules custom resource makes the process of migrating native Falco rules to Deckhouse more convenient:

shell git clone cd deckhouse/ee/modules/runtime-audit-engine/hack/far-converter go run main.go -input /path/to/falco/rule_example.yaml > ./my-rules-cr.yaml

shell git clone cd deckhouse/ee/modules/runtime-audit-engine/hack/far-converter go run main.go -input /path/to/falco/rule_example.yaml > ./my-rules-cr.yaml

Пример результата работы скрипта:

Example of a script output:




  • macro: spawned_process condition: (evt.type in (execve, execveat) and evt.dir=<)


  • macro: spawned_process condition: (evt.type in (execve, execveat) and evt.dir=<)
  • rule: Linux Cgroup Container Escape Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0492) desc: “This rule detects an attempt to exploit a container escape vulnerability in the Linux Kernel.” condition: != “” and = “unshare” and spawned_process and evt.args contains “mount” and evt.args contains “-o rdma” and evt.args contains “/release_agent” output: “Detect Linux Cgroup Container Escape Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0492) (user=%user.loginname uid=%user.loginuid command=%proc.cmdline args=%proc.args)” priority: CRITICAL tags: [process, mitre_privilege_escalation]
  • rule: Linux Cgroup Container Escape Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0492) desc: “This rule detects an attempt to exploit a container escape vulnerability in the Linux Kernel.” condition: != “” and = “unshare” and spawned_process and evt.args contains “mount” and evt.args contains “-o rdma” and evt.args contains “/release_agent” output: “Detect Linux Cgroup Container Escape Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0492) (user=%user.loginname uid=%user.loginuid command=%proc.cmdline args=%proc.args)” priority: CRITICAL tags: [process, mitre_privilege_escalation]



./my-rules-cr.yaml apiVersion: kind: FalcoAuditRules metadata: name: rule-example spec: rules:

  • macro: name: spawned_process condition: (evt.type in (execve, execveat) and evt.dir=<)
  • rule: name: Linux Cgroup Container Escape Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0492) condition: != “” and = “unshare” and spawned_process and evt.args contains “mount” and evt.args contains “-o rdma” and evt.args contains “/release_agent” desc: This rule detects an attempt to exploit a container escape vulnerability in the Linux Kernel. output: Detect Linux Cgroup Container Escape Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0492) (user=%user.loginname uid=%user.loginuid command=%proc.cmdline args=%proc.args) priority: Critical tags:
  • process
  • mitre_privilege_escalation

./my-rules-cr.yaml apiVersion: kind: FalcoAuditRules metadata: name: rule-example spec: rules:

  • macro: name: spawned_process condition: (evt.type in (execve, execveat) and evt.dir=<)
  • rule: name: Linux Cgroup Container Escape Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0492) condition: != “” and = “unshare” and spawned_process and evt.args contains “mount” and evt.args contains “-o rdma” and evt.args contains “/release_agent” desc: This rule detects an attempt to exploit a container escape vulnerability in the Linux Kernel. output: Detect Linux Cgroup Container Escape Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0492) (user=%user.loginname uid=%user.loginuid command=%proc.cmdline args=%proc.args) priority: Critical tags:
  • process
  • mitre_privilege_escalation